Over millions of years, natural processes have been finely tuned to perfection. At our core, we emulate these systems using "nature-inspired" approaches to biorefining, grounded in a deep understanding of biochemistry
With this innovation philosophy, we can achieve unparalleled efficiency in our biorefineries
We receive side streams from our partners in the food industry and isolate from this waste important compounds for fermentation
We grow 100% natural biomass in bioreactors using the substrates isolated in step 1 in combination with byproducts from our biorefinery (step 3)
We apply nature-inspired methods to reverse engineer the biomass and recover multiple compounds one-at-a-time through careful dismantling steps offering unparalleled economic efficiency and sustainable performance. In our biorefinery models, everything is valuable and nothing is waste!
We sell the ingredients to food manufacturers where they can apply them in various food products. This will allow them to combine circularity (step 1) with optimal nutrition and clean labeling
A Kilogram of Prevo's entire product portfolio emits 36 times less CO2 than a Kilogram of beef
A Kilogram of Prevo's entire product portfolio uses 900 times less water than a Kilogram of beef